▲ 康軒國中英語第 2 冊第 9 課 Reading
1. 提問: What is the title? How many paragraphs are there in this text?
2. 聽第一段課文,然後提問: What is the first paragraph about? 接著在黑板上寫下引導回答的句型: The first paragrapg is about Green Field __________.
3. 聽第二段課文,然後提問: What is the second paragraph about? 同學可仿上述句型回答。
4. 利用提問來引導同學到底該摘什麼【要】來完成第一段的 summary: What were there in Green Field 20 years ago? 請同學在課本裡把關鍵字圈起來後再口頭回答。起初同學都只圈 stores, river, trees 跟 farms,不過因為形容詞也是對比的關鍵,所以便繼續追問 how many stores, how was the river, how were the trees 及 how many farms。
5. 接著提問 What was Green Field like 20 years ago? 並在黑板上寫下回答的句型來引導同學把剛剛圈起來的關鍵訊息組合起來: Green Field was a _____ place with a clean river, __________ twenty years ago.
6. 接著同學利用課文第二段作練習,回答 What is Green Field like now? 經過第一段的練習,以及提示 Green Field is a _____ place with _____ now. 同學大都能掌握關鍵字詞。稍微需要思考推論的是 Green Field is a ______ place。第一段可以在文本裡找到 quiet 來形容 Green Field,不過第二段的文章裡沒有這類的形容詞,同學必須綜合文章裡的敘述後自己下註解。起初同學給的都是 bad 或是 terrible 這種負面的形容詞,於是繼續詢問同學 a place with a new train station, tall buildings 就是 bad 或是 terrible 嗎? 同學想了一下後,有人給了 quiet 的相反詞 noisy,也有人提供 busy 這個字。
7. 然後提問 Does the writer's grandpa like the change of Green Field? 同學分別將以上的句子寫下來就可以完成備課用書裡的心智圖,並進行口頭摘要。